Technology Plan

The WPS Technology Plan 2024-2029 was presented to the School Committee on June 26, 2024. The plan was the result of the hard work of the Technology Plan Committee.

Burhan Ahmed - MS/North/West/WW Parent
Matt Arsenault - Boutwell Parent
Kenny Bonanno - MS Parent
Brenda Lomanno - MS Instructional Technology Specialist
Kenneth Lord - Director of Technology & Digital Learning
Amy Malone - North Educational Assistant
Kim Martiniello - HS/North Parent
Jennifer Obremski - Woburn St Grade 1 Teacher
Michael Okeke - HS/MS/North/West/SS/WW Parent
Melanie Patterson - Shawsheen/Boutwell Librarian
Jeanette Quirk - MS Principal
Amber Skach - HS Instructional Technology Specialist
Mary Beth Valuk - HS Math CTL/Teacher
Kevin Welch - Shawsheen Assistant Principal
Krista Wright - Woburn St Parent