School Committee Policies

Please use the links below to view the School Committee Policy Manual by section. The links from the table of contents headers will bring you to the specific section of the policy manual document.


  • AA School District Legal Status
  • AB The People And Their School District
  • AC Nondiscrimination
  • AC-R Discrimination and Harassment (Civil Rights Grievance Procedures / Non Title IX)
  • ACA Nondiscrimination On The Basis Of Sex
  • ACAB Sexual Harassment
  • ACAB-R Sexual Harassment Title IX Grievance Procedures
  • ACAC Staff Conduct With Students
  • ACE Nondiscrimination On The Basis Of Disability
  • ADC Tobacco Products on School Premises Prohibited
  • ADC-E No Smoking And Tobacco Use
  • ADDA Background Checks
  • ADDA-R C.O.R.I. Requirements
  • ADDA-E-2 C.O.R.I. Requirements
  • ADF School District Wellness Program
  • AE Commitment To Accomplishment


  • BA School Committee Operational Goals
  • BAA Evaluation of School Committee Operational Procedures
  • BB School Committee Legal Status
  • BBA School Committee Powers and Duties
  • BBAA School Committee Member Authority
  • BBAB Administrative Personnel Positions
  • BBAC Transportation: Responsibilities and Duties of The School Committee
  • BBAD Annual Report in Accordance with Town By-Laws
  • BBB School Committee Elections
  • BBBA/BBBB School Committee Member Qualifications/Oath of Office
  • BBBC School Committee Member Resignation
  • BBBE Unexpired Term Fulfillment
  • BCA School Committee Member Ethics
  • BDA School Committee Organizational Meeting
  • BDB School Committee Officers
  • BDC Appointed Committee Officials
  • BDD School Committee-Superintendent Relationship
  • BDE Subcommittees of The School Committee
  • BDF Advisory Committees to the School Committee
  • BDFA School Councils
  • BDFA-E-1 School Improvement Plan
  • BDFA-E-2 Submission and Approval of School Improvement Plan
  • BDFA-E-3 Conduct of School Council Business
  • BDFB School-Community Associations/Parent Advisory Councils
  • BDG School Attorney
  • BE School Committee Meetings
  • BEC Executive Session
  • BEDA Notification of School Committee Meetings
  • BEDB Agenda Format
  • BEDB-E Agenda Format
  • BEDD Rules of Order
  • BEDF Voting Method
  • BEDG Minutes
  • BEDH Public Participation at School Committee Meetings
  • BEDH-E Guidelines for Public Comment
  • BEE Special Procedures for Conducting Hearings
  • BG School Committee Policy Development
  • BGB Policy Adoption
  • BGC Policy Review and Evaluation
  • BGD School Committee Review of Regulations
  • BGE Policy Dissemination
  • BGF Suspension of Policies
  • BHC School Committee-Staff Communications
  • BHE Use of Electronic Messaging by School Committee Members
  • BIA New School Committee Member Orientation
  • BIBA School Committee Conferences, Conventions, And Workshops
  • BID School Committee Member Compensation and Expenses
  • BJ School Committee Legislative Program
  • BK School Committee Memberships


  • CB School Superintendent
  • CBA\CBC Qualifications and Responsibilities Of Superintendent
  • CBCB Review of Employment Contracts
  • CBD Superintendent's Contract
  • CBI Evaluation of The Superintendent
  • CCB Line and Staff Relations
  • CE Administrative Councils, Cabinets, And Committees
  • CHA Development of Regulations
  • CHC Regulations Dissemination
  • CHCA Approval of Handbooks and Directives
  • CHCA-E Approval of Handbooks and Directives
  • CHD Administration in Policy Absence


  • DA Fiscal Management Goals
  • DB Annual Budget
  • DBC Budget Deadlines and Schedules
  • DBD Budget Planning
  • DBG Budget Adoption Procedures
  • DBJ Budget Transfer Authority
  • DD Funding Proposals and Applications
  • DFD Gate Receipts and Admissions
  • DGA Authorized Signatures
  • DH Bonded Employees and Officers
  • DI Fiscal Accounting and Reporting
  • DIE Audits
  • DJ Purchasing
  • DJA Purchasing Authority
  • DJE Bidding Requirements
  • DK Payment Procedures
  • DKC Expense Reimbursements


  • EB Safety Program
  • EBA Facilities Inspection
  • EBAB Pest Management Policy
  • EBB First Aid
  • EBC Emergency Plans
  • EBCA Use of AED (Automatic External Defibrillator)
  • EBCD Emergency Closings
  • EBCFA Face Coverings
  • EC Buildings and Grounds Management
  • ECA Buildings and Grounds Security
  • ECAC Vandalism
  • EDC Authorized Use of School-Owned Materials
  • EEA Student Transportation Services
  • EEAA Walkers and Riders
  • EEAE School Bus Safety Program
  • EEAEA Bus Driver Examination and Training
  • EEAEA-I Drug and Alcohol Testing for School Bus and Commercial Vehicle Drivers
  • EEAEC Student Conduct on School Buses
  • EEAEC-R Student Conduct on School Buses
  • EEAED Use of Videos from Buses
  • EEAG Student Transportation in Private Vehicles
  • EFC Free and Reduced Food Services


  • FA Facilities Development Goals
  • FCB Retirement of Facilities
  • FF Naming of School Facilities
  • FFA School Memorials


  • GA Personnel Policies Goals
  • GBA Equal Employment Opportunity
  • GBD School Committee-Staff Communications
  • GBEA Staff Ethics/Conflict of Interest
  • GBEB Staff Conduct
  • GBEBC Gifts to And Solicitations By Staff
  • GBEC Drug-Free Workplace Policy
  • GBGB Staff Personal Security and Safety
  • GBJ Personnel Records
  • GBK Staff Complaints and Grievances
  • GCA Professional Staff Positions
  • GCBA Professional Staff Salary Schedules
  • GCBB Employment of Principals
  • GCBC Professional Staff Supplementary Pay Plans
  • GCBD Professional Staff Fringe Benefits
  • GCCC/GDCC Family Medical Leave
  • GCCC-E/GDCC-E Family and Medical Leave
  • GCD Professional Staff Vacations and Holidays
  • GCE Professional Staff Recruiting/ Posting of Vacancies
  • GCF Professional Staff Hiring
  • GCG Part-Time and Substitute Professional Staff Employment
  • GCIA Philosophy of Staff Development
  • GCJ Professional Teachers Status
  • GCK Professional Staff Assignments and Transfers
  • GCL Professional Staff Time Schedules
  • GCO Evaluation of Professional Staff
  • GCO-R-1 Evaluation of Professional Staff
  • GCO-R-2 Evaluation of Teachers and Administrators
  • GCQD Resignation of Professional Staff Members
  • GCQE Retirement of Professional Staff Members
  • GCQF Suspension and Dismissal of Professional Staff Members
  • GCRD Tutoring for Pay
  • GCS Posting of Collective Bargaining Agreements and the Superintendent of Schools Employment Contract
  • GDA Support Staff Positions
  • GDB Support Staff Contracts and Compensation Plans
  • GDBC Support Staff Supplementary Pay Plans
  • GDBD Support Staff Fringe Benefits
  • GDC Support Staff Leaves and Absences
  • GDD Support Staff Vacations and Holidays
  • GDE Support Staff Recruiting/Posting of Vacancies
  • GDF Support Staff Hiring
  • GDI Support Staff Probation
  • GDJ Support Staff Assignments and Transfers
  • GDK Support Staff Time Schedules
  • GDO Evaluation of Support Staff
  • GDP Support Staff Promotions
  • GDQC Retirement of Support Staff Members
  • GDQD Suspension and Dismissal of Support Staff Members


  • H Negotiations
  • HA Negotiations Goals
  • HB Negotiations Legal Status
  • HF School Committee Negotiating Agents


  • IA Instructional Goals
  • IB Academic Freedom
  • IC/ICA School Year/School Calendar
  • ID School Day
  • IE Organization of Instruction
  • IGA Curriculum Development
  • IGB Support Services Programs
  • IGBE Remedial Instruction
  • IGD Curriculum Adoption
  • IHA Basic Instructional Program
  • IHA-E Basic Instructional Program
  • IHAE Physical Education
  • IHAM Health Education
  • IHAM-1 Parental Notification Relative to Sex Education
  • IHAM-1-E Sample Notice to Parent/Guardian
  • IHAM-R Health Education
  • IHAMB Teaching About Alcohol, Tobacco and Drugs
  • IHB Special Instructional Programs and Accommodations
  • IHBA Programs for Students with Disabilities
  • IHBB Gifted and Talented Education
  • IHBD Compensatory Education
  • IHBEA English Language Learners
  • IHBF Homebound Instruction
  • IHBG Home Schooling
  • IHBG-R Home Schooling
  • IHBH Alternative School Programs
  • IHBHB Magnet Schools
  • IHCA Summer Schools
  • IJ Instructional Materials
  • IJ-R Reconsideration of Instructional Resources
  • IJI Textbook Selection and Adoption
  • IJK Supplementary Materials Selection and Adoption
  • IJL Library Materials Selection and Adoption
  • IJL-R Library Materials Selection and Adoption
  • IJLA Library Resources
  • IJM Special Interest Materials Selection and Adoption
  • IJND Curriculum and Instruction – Access to Electronic Media
  • IJNDB Acceptable Use Policy - Technology
  • IJNDB-E Internet Use Policy
  • IJNDB-E-1 Internet/E-Mail Acceptable Use Policy User Agreement Form
  • IJNDB-E-2 Application Form – Internet Access Network
  • IJNDC School and District Web Pages
  • IJNDC-R Web Site Guidelines and Procedures for Approval
  • IJNDD Social Media Policy
  • IJOA Field Trips
  • IJOB Community Resource Persons/Speakers
  • IJOC School Volunteers
  • IK Academic Achievement
  • IKAB Student Progress Reports to Parents/Guardians
  • IKC Rank in Class – High School
  • IKE Promotion and Retention Of Students
  • IKF Graduation Requirements
  • IKFA Participation in Graduation Ceremony
  • IL Evaluation of Instructional Programs
  • ILBA District Program Assessments
  • ILBA-E District Program Assessments
  • IMA Teaching Activities/Presentations
  • IMB Teaching About Controversial Issues/ Controversial Speakers
  • IMD School Ceremonies and Observances
  • IMG Animals in The School


  • JA Student Policies Goals
  • JA-E Student Policies Goals
  • JB Equal Educational Opportunities
  • JBA Student-To-Student Harassment
  • JC Attendance Areas
  • JCA Assignment of Students To Schools
  • JCAC Residency Enforcement Policy for the Wilmington Public Schools
  • JEB Entrance Age
  • JEB-E Verification of Residency
  • JEBA Preschool Registration
  • JF School Admissions
  • JF-E-1 School Admissions
  • JF-E-2 School Admissions
  • JFABC Admission of Transfer Students
  • JFABD Homeless Students: Enrollment Rights and Services
  • JFABE Educational Opportunities for Military Children
  • JFABF Educational Opportunities for Children in Foster Care
  • JFBB School Choice
  • JH Student Absences and Excuses
  • JHD Exclusions and Exemptions From School Attendance
  • JI Student Rights and Responsibilities
  • JIB Student Involvement in Decision-Making
  • JIC Student Discipline
  • JICA Student Dress Code
  • JICC Student Conduct on School Buses
  • JICE Student Publications
  • JICF Gang Activity/Secret Societies
  • JICFA Prohibition of Hazing
  • JICFA-E Hazing
  • JICFB Bullying Prevention
  • JICG Tobacco Use by Students
  • JICH Alcohol, Tobacco, And Drug Use by Students Prohibited
  • JICH-R Chemical Health Regulations for High School Students
  • JICJA Electronic Device Use Policy
  • JIE Pregnant Students
  • JIH Searches and Interrogations
  • JII Student Complaints and Grievances
  • JIK Use of Dogs to Search School Property
  • JJ Co-Curricular and Extracurricular Activities
  • JJ-E Co-Curricular and Extracurricular Activities
  • JJA Student Organizations
  • JJE Student Fund-Raising Activities
  • JJ-E Co-Curricular and Extracurricular Activities
  • JJE-R Fundraising Guidelines
  • JJF Student Activity Accounts
  • JJG Contests for Students
  • JJH Student Travel
  • JJH-R Student Travel Regulations
  • JJIB Interscholastic Athletics
  • JJIBA Varsity Letter Award Criteria for Athletes
  • JJIF Athletic Concussion Policy
  • JJIF-R Athletic Concussion Regulations
  • JK Student Conduct
  • JKA Corporal Punishment
  • JKAA Physical Restraint of Students
  • JL Student Welfare
  • JLA Student Insurance Program
  • JLC Student Health Services and Requirements
  • JLCA Physical Examinations of Students
  • JLCB Inoculations of Students
  • JLCC Communicable Diseases
  • JLCD Administering Prescription and Non-Prescription Medication to Students
  • JLCE Life-Threatening Food and Other Allergy
  • JLD Guidance Program
  • JLD-E Guidance Program
  • JP Student Gifts and Solicitations
  • JQ Student Fees, Fines, And Charges
  • JRA Student Records
  • JRA-R Student Records
  • JRD Student Photographs


  • KA School/Community Relations Goals
  • KA-1 School/Community Relations Goals
  • KBA School/Parent Relations Goals
  • KBBA Non-Custodial Parents' Rights
  • KBBA-E Sample Notice to Custodial Parent
  • KBBA-R Sample Affidavit for Non-Custodial Parent Requesting Student Records
  • KBE Relations with Parent Organizations
  • KCB Community Involvement in Decision-Making
  • KCD Public Gifts to The Schools
  • KCD-R Acceptance of Gifts, Grants and Bequests
  • KDB Public's Right to Know
  • KDD News Media Relations/News Releases
  • KE Public Complaints
  • KE-E Public Complaints
  • KEB Public Complaints About School Personnel
  • KEB-R Public Complaints About School Personnel
  • KEC Public Complaints About the Curriculum Or Instructional Materials
  • KEC-E Request for Reconsideration
  • KF Community Use of School Facilities
  • KHA Public Solicitations in The Schools
  • KHB Advertising in The Schools
  • KHC Distribution of Notices
  • KI Visitors to The Schools
  • KJA Relations with Booster Organizations
  • KJIA Senior Citizens – Free Admissions
  • KJG Relations with Public Safety Authorities
  • KLJ Relations with Planning Authorities
  • KLK Relations with Local Governmental Authorities


  • LA Education Agency Relations Goals
  • LB Relations With Other Schools And School Districts
  • LBC Relations With Nonpublic Schools
  • LDA Student Teaching And Internships